Welcome to Danville Massage...... FEEL BETTER, LIVE BETTER!

About Melissa


We are passionate about educating clients and empowering them to take control of their own health and well-being. Our primary focus is to bring relief from physical pain, increase ROM and encourage relaxation through gently reminding our clients to be mindful of their breath throughout the session.

Our work at Danville Massage is client-centered. Our first commitment is to listen to our clients. Treatments are created to meet the client’s specific goals. A health history, consultation, and assessment are performed at the first session in order to figure out how to proceed with a personalized treatment plan.  We look forward to helping you feel your best!


Massage School Of Santa Monica 1996, 1997, 2001

Center Point School for Massage 1998

Mckinnon Body Therapy Center 2013-2014

Member of ABMP Associate Bodywork & Massage

DVC/CCC Kinesiology/Nutrition

Current Continued Education:

Dalton Myoskeletal MMT Training

Anatomy Dissection Livestream Specialty Class: Heart to Hands: Muscles, Nerves, Arteries, Veins, T Myers.